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8 Ball Pool Phuket Friendship League

Formed in January 2016 by friends from a number of bars in the south of Phuket the "8 Ball Pool Phuket Friendship League" represented a new start for 8 ball pool in the area. The object of this new league is to allow friends to meet in each other's bars for a social evening which includes a pool match.
The original Phuket pool league was formed to enable bars to boost their low season income by having people, who may not otherwise visit their bar, come and play a friendly pool match. The pool was, although well fought, never that important and the focus was far from being ultra-competitive.
Unfortunately, over the years, certain elements crept into the fabric of the preceding leagues which totally disregarded the, so important, social side of the Leagues purpose. They have focused totally on competition and disregarded the League’s true intent and purpose. As a result, previous leagues have been folded and the new 8 Ball Pool Phuket Friendship League, focusing on friends enjoying each others company over a few drinks in bars they may not otherwise visit, has been formed.
Yes the pool is an important element and nobody goes to the table with the intention of losing, but the main focus is to Have A Good Time With Friends.